$500.00 USD

Anti-Retreat - Application Fee

Two days of intense work with a high ROI.

Here's what this looks like:

  • Two INTENSE Days at our office in Louisville, Ky
  • 1:1 coaching with me and my team throughout the two days
  • Plenty of time to process, put your butt in a chair, and DO THE WORK
  • Messy Buns ONLY — I refuse to wear makeup. I want to see your glasses, your bed head, and your game faces.
  • Two hours to decompress at the end. I promise only drinks, dinner, and the satisfaction of a job well done.

We can only take five people tops, so we will be VERY selective.

All applicants must pay the $500 application fee. If you aren't selected, that fee will be refunded to you. If you are, that $500 will be applied to the total cost.

After you complete the payment, you'll receive the initial application.

If selected, you'll be required to complete an entire practice analysis and a few questionnaires to strategize about your priorities and best working times. We'll then send you the options for days. We're planning three of these anti-retreats in 2023, so the quicker you apply, the better selection you'll have.