You might even be confused. You're a group practice owner who needs support to get you to the next level. We've got you!



We know that all businesses are different. Sometimes you need a lot of help and sometimes you just need a little... but what all businesses need is SUPPORT. These partner perks are optional, but always here if you need them!

content + downloads

Who doesn't like content? No one! As a Bronze Partner, you will have instant access to A TON of downloadable content, not to mention new content added regularly! Enjoy quick tutorials on all things private practice as well as courses to help you launch your practice!

va + call discounts

One of the most utilized offerings in Mindsight Partners is our member's access to discounted Virtual Assistant services and Consulting Calls! When you find yourself in need of a little extra support, these two services are perfection!


facebook community

We want you to be a part of our online community. Here you will meet other business owners who are looking to achieve the same goals as you! Our membership community is the most supportive, responsive, and action-oriented of any we've ever seen. 

Office HoursĀ with Experts

There is so much value in listening to experts; their stories, examples, and recommendations should never be taken lightly. My practice really started to shift when I began soaking up value from every single conversation I had with an expert. Our Bronze Partners get to engage in weekly office hours with experts in insurance, billing, credentialing, human resources, office management, client care and referrals, marketing, culture, etc. You don't want to miss what they have to say!

Join Bronze Now!


I'm just going to pretend you are a Bronze Partner, and welcome you to the group!



What if we told you that as a Bronze Partner you have instant access to over 100 Downloads? Everything from Administrative, Intake, Clinical, Hiring, On-boarding, Client Care Coordination, Marketing, and MORE! What if we told you that the downloads alone were worth over $500 and you can have them all for $77?


What are you waiting for?

Let's not waste any more time. Partner with us, use our systems, duplicate our processes, scale your practice!

Milwaukee Counselor | Patrick Shultz

"My biggest challenge has always been consistent growth & not having people to turn to with my ideas. I felt very scared & lonely in my endeavor to scale my practice. Having a team of experts in a variety of different areas is hugely helpful. If you are considering becoming a Mindsight Partner - just do it! It is worth the small cost. As my business continues to grow I'm excited to upgrade to the Gold partnership and really get some good one-on-one support. "

Looking for More?

No matter what stage of practice you are in or what your current needs are, Mindsight Partners has a way to support you! If you're looking for a little more than what Bronze has to offer, check this out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Your membershp gives your support and peace of mind. Long gone are the days you spend searching the internet for resources and downloads. With our Bronze Partnership you get access to our private portal with hundreds of downloads, videos, courses, tutorials, spreadsheets, etc., access into our private facebook community, access to weekly office hours with our experts, early access to services and offerings, discounts on all Virtual Assistant services. 

Our membership is a monthly plan that comes as a reoccurring payment through Paypal or Stripe. You can cancel at anytime, but be aware of what time of the month you cancel because we are not able to issue partial refunds.

More than we can count! Our portal is one of our membership's best features. It's designed to be easy-to-use with easy-to-find content and downloads. We add new content monthly so it's hard to say exactly how much is in there but it a LOT!


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