How To Create Accountability In Your Practice

Effective business systems and employee accountability are essential for success. Without proper follow-through, reputation and performance suffer. But how do you address accountability challenges? Discover the key to coaching and fostering a culture of accountability.

Here's the thing: you can have the greatest systems, the greatest processes, but if someone is not making sure that the people are doing the work and that we are delivering on the commitments that we're making, then what what are we doing? We're only going to create a poor reputation for ourselves because we lack follow through. Without accountability, you can almost guarantee balls will be dropped.

Accountability across the board is something that people struggle with. I know I do. It's it's not necessarily something that I don't notice. I can tell because I'm looking at outcomes, so I can tell if someone is not doing their job. But to have those one on one conversations about, hey, look, here's the goal, and this is...

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How to Prioritize Your Practice's To-Do List


Your business has needs!

But you already knew that. You need more employees — therapists, audiologies, nurses, admin. That's a need. You aren't getting enough client referrals — there's another need. Your website needs a refresh — add it to the list! All these things just pile up and pile up until you, the practice owner, are totally overwhelmed!

Fighting your to-do list isn't the answer!

You need a plan - a SYSTEM - for addressing your business's needs in a way that actually move the needle forward on your goals. Having a plan or a well-structured system is absolutely crucial. It's the key to effectively addressing your business's unique needs and ensuring that every action you take is purposeful and strategic. A well-designed system empowers you to make progress and move the needle forward on your goals with confidence. It brings order to the chaos, streamlines processes, and optimizes resources, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Without a...

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Why You Need Business Systems for Your Private Practice

Many people don't realize how much more work it takes to run a group practice or a private practice, especially as the practice owner. There's physical work, mental energy, and emotional labor of the practice. It can all take a huge toll when it feels like no one cares about it as much as you do, or that you can't trust anyone to do it the way you would.

So many practice owners fall into that boat. They know they are the most invested person in their business. They are afraid to delegate because they're worried about quality control. And often, I see practice owners buying into the number one fallacy of business ownership: If I'm doing the work, that means the work is free! But it has a cost, even if you don't see that dollar value when you run payroll.

It costs your time (which is also money). It costs your peace of mind, which you can't put a price on. Unintended costs like added stress, less time with family or friends, overworking, and over-functioning in your business can...

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